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Class Calendar

There is exciting news to share. Many of you have been asking when you can learn the Applied Bio-Mechanics. The opportunity is here. Ken Ladd has officially given his blessing that I am now able to teach this class. He and I have worked together these 18 years and now it is my turn to share this amazing work with all who are ready to learn it. Here are the scheduled classes this year. 

Applied Bio-Mechanics

Intensive 4-day seminar in :

 * Leslie, Arkansas July 25-28 

 * Little Rock, Arkansas September 26-29


This seminar teaches Aquarian Age Healing as developed by Dr. John Hurley, including his latest theories and techniques that are taught nowhere else. Anyone can learn to apply this work. Only basic knowledge of anatomy/physiology is required.

Instructor: Stacy Hutchinson MMT

NCBTMB provider number: 1001513

Class Id: CE401517



• is a gentle, light-touch therapy that affects the coordination and balance patterns of the body.

• resets all of the body’s systems (like rebooting a computer), facilitating a deeper level of     healing.

• strengthens the body and its processes to help deal with any health problem.

• resets the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and the proprioception   system.

• releases the primary diaphragms (pelvic, respiratory, and thoracic), facilitating proper   function including deeper breathing.

• provides rapid pain relief.

• is easy to understand, master, and apply after training; complements all other approaches in facilitating healing.

Be prepared for four intensive nine-hour days filled with informative discussions, stories, demonstrations, and plenty of hands-on bodywork.

Classes will be held 9AM - 7PM Thursday through Sunday.

$850 - Deposit of $250 due upon registration with $600 due first day of class

Early Payment Special: $795 if full payment is received by 15th of prior month.

For more information or to register, please contact me.

Payment is by check or money order, or if preferred, you may submit a personal payment by credit or debit card through Zelle to my email address without processing fees. If you use Paypal, there will be a $49 transaction fee. appliedbiomechanics@yahoo.com

©Ken Ladd & Shay O'Neal. All rights reserved.

Advanced Applied Bio-Mechanics

Intensive 4-day seminar TBA

This seminar teaches Aquarian-Age Healing Bio-Engineering as developed by Dr. John Hurley, including his latest theories and techniques that are taught nowhere else.

Prerequisite: Applied Bio-Mechanics

The advanced techniques are very different from the basic techniques but rely on a thorough understanding and competent application of the instruction presented in the basic course.

This course is the complete Bio-Engineering system, consisting of four additional sections of Dr. Hurley’s work, including his latest unpublished revisions. This work is very powerful but virtually unknown, having been lost after Dr. Hurley’s death and considered too complex to learn and interpret from his book. Luckily, this knowledge was preserved by two of Dr. Hurley’s students and passed on to Ken Ladd who taught this work for 35 years. 25 years ago, Ken met and performed the work on Stacy Hutchinson who returned and became a student. Ken has given his blessing for Stacy to teach and carry on Dr Hurley's work. 

Instructor: Stacy Hutchinson MMT

NCBTMB provider number: 1001513

Class Id: CE401517


Be prepared for four intensive days filled with informative discussions, stories, demonstrations, and plenty of hands-on bodywork.

Classes will be held 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM Thursday through Saturday and 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Sunday. 

$850 - Deposit of $250 due upon registration, with $600 due first day of class

Early Payment Special: $795 if full payment is received by 15th of prior month.

Payment is by check or money order, or if preferred, you may submit a personal payment by credit or debit card through Zelle to my email address without processing fees. If you use Paypal, there will be a $49 transaction fee. appliedbiomechanics@yahoo.com

©Ken Ladd & Shay O'Neal. All rights reserved.

Cranial-sacral therapy is a gentle technique that uses a light non-invasive approach to 

problems of pain and dysfunction. Natural physiological activities of the body are facilitated 

to achieve significant corrective changes in the recipient. Subtle body movements which 

coincide with rhythmical changes in cerebrospinal fluid pressure are palpated and facilitated, 

which results in improved functioning of the nervous system, relaxation of traumatized 

tissues throughout the body, better structural alignment of the skeletal system, and the 

release of restrictions resulting from accumulated trauma.

The therapeutic purpose of cranial sacral therapy is to aid the body toward regaining normal cranial sacral motion, which is associated with and necessary for a truly healthy state. It 

has been used successfully with many health problems, such as headaches, chronic fatigue, 

TMJ disorders, fibromyalgia-type symptoms, and neck and back pain. It is often used as a preventive health measure, mainly because of its capacity to relieve stress and induce deep relaxation.


Understand the anatomy/physiology of the cranial-sacral system.

Learn the whole body flexion-extension motion pattern of the cranial-sacral system.

Develop palpatory skills for the detection and evaluation of the cranial-sacral system.

Learn a practical sequence for removal of impediments to a properly functioning 

cranial-sacral system.

Develop full body facilitation skills using light-touch, soft tissue techniques.

Learn release techniques and indications for removing restrictions from the cranial-sacral 


Be able to recognize the various contra-indications and know how to respond to them in the therapeutic setting.

Learn to integrate these skills with other therapeutic modalities.

                                                  A Study in Cranial-Sacral Therapy:

    A Soft Tissue Approach
 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM                          Friday - Sunday
 Fee: $525      (Deposit $150 due 4 weeks in advance; $375 due first day of class)

Early Payment Special: $425 if paid-in-full 4 weeks in advance of class

24 CEUs

Call today to schedule your session!      417-693-4748