Real Client Reviews

"Stacy has helped my body heal over the past 5-10 years. When my back gets out of wack she is who I call. With in minutes, hours, and days from leaving her table I always feel better and the healing process starts. I highly recommend Applied BioMechanics. Her craft has helped me throw away the pain pills and start moving towards healing. I drive 1.5 hrs to see her and I would drive more hrs if I have to."

"BioMechanics worked for me. My chiropractor could ease my back pain but only for a short time. After a couple of visits to Stacy I was free of the pain. I highly recommend Stacy and BioMechanics."

"I had sciatic pain several years ago and the only relief I got was when I went to Stacy for an Applied Biomechanics session. I highly recommend Stacy!"

"The absolute best massage I have ever had! I've gone in completely stressed, with tired achy muscles and come out ready to tackle what's next! I would highly (and have) recommend!"

"Stacy is professional, thoughtful, and genuine massage therapist. She has alleviated my neck issues and I am extremely grateful."

"Absolutely fabulous massage. Totally recommend this place. Can't wait for next week. Stacy's hands are magical!"


"Highly recommend! I felt so much better when I left. She is definitely the best! Can’t wait for my next one."


"My name is Rose and I live in Harrison, Ar. on are about July 2007 I was pretty much confined to my bed I had took different kinds of Med. and had therapy on my legs and back, could find nothing that worked and then I heard about Applied BioMechanics and after one treatment I was back to walking around the track as I have for years not been down like that again. THANK YOU!!"


"I would like to thank you for treating me tonight, I am feeling better than I have in a long time without any back pains and aches anywhere, if anyone else is reading this and see's a chiropractor I recommend that you stop now and try Applied BioMechanics, It will change the way you think about the human body and it will make you feel better than you have in years, Thank you again :)"


"Thank you Stacy you made me feel so much better with the Applied BioMechanics. My spine feels straight and my posture is much better, I have no pain in my back and my hip injury is not hurting today for the first time in years. Thank you so much I recommend it to anyone with pain."


"Few weeks ago I had terrible neck and shoulder pain. After 2 treatments of “the works” my pain was less only tension remained. Had my first massage this week and it was amazing. Thank you Stacy for taking care of me! I can enjoy being a hair stylist again!!"


"I had a great session last Thursday! Gentle, easy, and effectiveness all around! I already am standing up straighter and sleeping better! Not to mention the help with pain! I recommend these services to anyone who needs a break from Western medicine and wants real results! ♥"


"I too, had a session with Stacy last Thursday. I have been sleeping better and not waking up with the chronic back pain that I have become accustomed to over the years. If you have the free time and want your body to just stop hurting , go see Stacy. You maybe surprised at the results you experience"


"Hey LADY!  Just wanted to say thanks for the body work you did....had lot of tenderness in my rib cage where you did muscle work day of but have to say after years of pain in my ribs/chest I have not had one since waking up the next day thanks so much! You healed me!"


"Everybody that knows me knows that I have been having trouble with my knee all my adult life. I stood on one leg cutting hair for around 30 years. And... doing that resulted in scoliosis of my spine. I have limped around, had injections that didn't help and x-rays concluding that I had advanced arthritis. At least ten years ago I hoped that I could get a knee replacement, but at the time they didn't want to do it because they said I was too young. This thing with my knee had nearly ruined my whole life. I became addicted to all kinds of opiates to try to continue to stay on my feet cutting hair which led to even more ruin. A little over a month ago I went to a therapist, Stacy Fisher, who determined that my "Center of Gravity" was off. With the slightest touch, she adjusted this. All my weight had been somehow shifted to my right leg early on, maybe in my twenties and that wore out my right knee so then the pain caused me to stand on the left leg with the right leg bent, I can't even explain how twisted and crippled I was becoming. Everything on my right side was giving out. My face even sagged on one side. Everything I tried to do was so much effort, even to take a step seemed like I didn't go anywhere. After Stacy worked on me I felt immediately different. With in 2 days I felt my right foot touch the ground in places that it had not for many years. In about 4 days I could start straighten out my right leg and a rhythm came back to my step. In 7 days I was running up and down stairs without pain. The muscle was nearly gone since for years I stood on my left leg. So I did experience a tiredness but nothing like the pain I had before. Now it has been a little over a month and I am still building the muscle but the pain and limping are gone. I am so grateful to Stacy and thankful to God for finding her. It seems a dirty trick not to have found her 20 or more years ago but I am guessing some people go on in misery the rest of their lives, or get surgery that doesn't really fix it. I had been around massage and chiropractors and other alternative health things but I had not heard of this. Truly amazing!!!"

             Call today to schedule your session!      417-693-4748

Stacy Hutchinson does not promise any certain outcome. Everyone is different and reacts to
The Work in slightly different ways. All I can do is share what others have shared with me about their experiences. That is one of the things that is most exciting about the work I do. Your body works towards healing itself and the journey it takes to get there is very personal and yours alone. It can not be interpreted by anyone else and no one else can know the profoundness of your experience because the path your body took to get to it's current level of strain and distortion was made by no other than just that. Your own body.